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A Regular Trampoline versus a Competition Trampoline

Trampolines have always been a source of fun for many of us, something to bounce on whenever our friends come over and pose while in the air. However, as we grow older, we find that it’s much more than that. Trampolines are used in gyms and even at the Olympics (and this is the reason for the term, Olympic trampolines). Does Rebound produce Competition Trampolines? Yes, all the 7 x 14 trampolines we sell comply to International Competition standards and Rebound supplied the trampolines to two World Championships and numerous other competitions. Does Rebound produce an Olympic Trampoline? No, the cost of successfully bidding to supply our brilliant equipment to the Olympics is beyond the reach of a company of our size, so we have not yet done that.
Many believe that regardless of where they are used, trampolines are trampolines. They are designed to help you bounce up and down. However, there are different sizes, shapes and types of trampolines for different purposes. There are also many different trampoline accessories.

In this article, we will be looking at the difference between a regular trampoline and an Olympic trampoline in more detail to help you understand the differences, or to help you decide which one is the best option for you.

Recreational vs. Olympic Trampolines – Differences

Feature/PurposeRecreational TrampolinesOlympic Trampolines
Trampoline BedThe beds of recreational trampolines are different from Olympic trampoline beds. Recreational trampoline beds are relatively non-porous and do not offer a great deal of elasticity. On average, athletes can perform no more than two rotations safely.The springs and beds used are of much higher quality. The bed is more porous and elastic. Springs have more tension, therefore the trampolinist can jump much higher. Athletes can perform three (or more) rotations safely. The material allows higher jumps, improved ankle mechanics, and knee and hip support.
TrainingEven competitive trampolinists start with basic trampolines. Since these trampolines do not shoot the trampolinist as high, there is a reduced risk of injury. This trampoline is used to teach straight jumps, landing, head, body, and arm control. Without practice, there is a higher risk of tearing muscle on Olympic trampolines.With the same effort, trampolinists can go much higher with Olympic trampolines. There is very little room for error, especially when it comes to ankle, knee, and hip positioning.
Spotter RequirementThere is no spotter required.
Conversely, children jumping on a trampoline in the backyard should have spotters or constant supervision to make sure they stay in the middle to decrease the risk of injury.
Spotters are required during a trampoline competition. Approximately six spotters surround the trampoline with their eyes fixed on the athlete. Spotters help guide the athlete back onto the trampoline bed if the athlete doesn’t hit the centre or ends up close to the edge of the springs.
Max Number of JumpersUp to 5-7 small children, 2 teenagers or adults can use these trampolines safely. However, it is important that the trampoline accessories or the bed used can sustain an adult’s weight to reduce the risk of tearing.Olympic trampolines should only have one person using the trampoline at any given time to ensure balance and safety. Even for synchronized jumpers, two separate beds are used.
MarkingsSince backyard trampolines do not shoot individuals very high, they are not marked.Olympic trampolines can shoot individuals up to 33 feet (8 meters) on average. There is a contrasting “X” in the middle for trampolinists to aim for. Deviations have resulted in injuries or spotters immediately stopping the jump.

If you would like to learn more about which one suits your needs, or are merely looking to buy the right one for your backyard (or gym), let us know! We can help you choose the right trampoline accessories and beds to meet your needs.